Sloppy Emails Ruin Productivity

John Krautzel
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Your professional emails say a great deal about your working style and competence. They also impact productivity, both for you and for others. Sloppy emails can make it difficult for your contacts to take the appropriate action, which causes unnecessary confusion and delay. Improving your email skills is an infallible way to improve your everyday work flow.

Missing Subject Lines

A common issue among sloppy emails is a missing subject line. Many professionals categorize their emails immediately for later action. Messages that do not include a clear subject line require extra time and effort; in some cases, the recipient may simply file the email into a lower-priority folder. Equally damaging is a subject line that says nothing about the content of the email. Increase the efficiency of your emails by using specific subject lines that state the topic clearly. If you need a quick reply or a specific action, include phrases such as "immediate action required" or "reply by."

Wordy Messages

Sloppy emails often contain paragraph after paragraph of rambling text, forcing the recipient to dig to find the heart of the message. Most busy professionals do not have the time to read long emails in their entirety, increasing the chance that the message will not get the attention it deserves. A wordy email is also less likely to accomplish your desired outcome, which can cause delays and bottlenecks. Keep your emails short and to the point. Include the main topic of the email in the first line, and keep the entire message to five sentences or less whenever possible.

Too Many Requests

A hallmark of sloppy emails is a lack of a single purpose. When an email contains more than one action item, the recipient is forced to keep the message in her inbox instead of filing it away. Including too many requests also increases the chance that something will be ignored or forgotten. Boost the efficiency of your professional emails by including a single request per message. After your request, you can include explanations or additional details for the recipient to read as time permits.

Lack of Proofreading

Failing to proofread your emails can sabotage your productivity without your knowledge. Sloppy emails that include erroneous figures, contact information, names or facts can cause recipients to take incorrect actions. Your email program may also auto-correct words, which can be a problem for messages that contain jargon or acronyms. In most cases, a few minutes of careful proofreading can solve any issues with typos, misspellings or other errors. Read the email out loud to ensure that your message comes across in the right tone.

Sloppy emails cause a variety of unanticipated problems that negatively impact productivity at work. When you invest a few extra minutes to ensure that each message is concise and to the point, you can improve your work flow and reduce frustration on all sides.


Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at



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